Fitness Test Day

Fitness Test Day!

Today we are going to test your fitness levels!  You’ll do this several times throughout the 30 days.  Keep track of your numbers so you can compare your progress!!

Test 1 – Push up test
How many regular push ups can you do in 1 minute?

Test 2 – Sit up test
How many FULL situps (no crunches) can you do in 1 minute?

Test 3 – Take a Seat!
Lean up against a wall with your legs at a 90 degree angle and do a wall-sit for as long as possible.  Write down the amount of time you could last.

Test 4 – Plank test
How long can you hold a plank for?  This is in center plank position.

Test 5 – Left Plank test
How long can you hold a left plank for?  This is in left plank position.  Your left elbow will be touching the floor and your right arm will be on your side.

Test 6 – Right Plank test
How long can you hold a right plank for?  This is in right plank position this time.  Your right elbow will be touching the floor and your left arm will be on your side.

Test 7 – Jump Lunges
How many alternating jump lunges can you do until failure?  (Each time you lunge down counts as 1)

Test 8 – Let’s BURP
How many burpees can you do in 1 minute?  Remember to jump and reach for the sky at the top of each burpee.

Test 9 – Squat Test
How many times can you squat down and jump up and touch the sky?  Do this until failure and see how many you can get before you have to slow down or take a break.

Test 10 – Walk Outta Here!!
How many walk out push ups can you do in 1 minute? (Here’s a link to how to do them:

Now that you’re warmed up 😉 Do the 10 tests one more time for today and see if you can beat your previous scores.

You’ll test again soon!

After testing, do 20-25 minutes of cardio of your choice.

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