

1. Walk Out Push Ups (5×12) – (Here’s a link to see how to do these:
2. Skullcrushers (5x as many as possible “amap”) – Lie down and hold a weight directly above your head but back a little bit with arms straight.  Bring the weight down so it’s right above your forehead/top of head.  Concentrate on your tricep muscles when doing this move. (amap = as many as possible).  Go until failure!

1. Dumbbell incline press (5×12) – On a bench of leaning backwards against something that angles up.  Start with elbows at 90 degress, exhale when pressing dumbbells up.  Count to three while pressing the weights up.  I want you to do these slow.
2. Chair/Bench Tricep Dips (5 x amap)-  Do as many sets until failure. (amap = as many as possible)

– Pushups With Feet on Raised Surface (like a sofa for example) 5 sets to failure (1 min rest).  Do these until you can’t do anymore each time.

Do 30 min of sprints on the treadmill today (30 second SPRINT, 30 second off the machine for recover) for a total of 30 minutes.  If you don’t have access to a treadmill, go for a run outside and use your watch as a timer.  If it’s too cold to go outside….well…dress warm!

*Superset: (Do one set of first exercise, then one set of second exercise. Rest for 1-2min.  Repeat superset for required amount of sets)

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